Cape Disappointment, Washington

Hello from Cape Disappointment, Washington. 

We have been here for a day and have enjoyed the coast. We drove into the little town of Ilwaco, Washington yesterday. We ate at a quaint little place that was a coffee/sandwich/ antique store. We then went to the Ilwaco Museum. It was sad, when we initially walked into the museum, the little old lady behind the counter asked if we were looking for the restrooms. We told her, no, we were there for the museum. It was only $5 and had some really cool old stuff like typewriters, phones, printing press, etc. 
We then braved the mist and wind and hiked the 1/2 mile to the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse. The trail was fairly easy, uphill most of the way there, but it was filled with foliage, large trees and there were sea birds flying about. When we got to the lighthouse, there were two deer at the base of the lighthouse in the grass. They blended so well, I almost didn't see them. The lighthouse is manned by the Coast Guard and in need of painting, but pretty cool all the same. 

Today we are eating at Dooger's, really good, fresh seafood, in Long Beach  Washington. We are headed to some of the small towns along the coast in search of sunshine, but would settle for some great photo ops. :-)

Chelsea at Waikiki Beach in Washington
Seals at Waikiki Beach, Washington

Dead Man's Cove on the way to Cape Disappointment Light House, Washington

Deer at the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse, Washington

North Head Lighthouse, Washington

Until Next Time, Take Care....

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