Rain, Rain and More Rain...

Good morning from soggy Cape Disappointment, Washington.

It has been very gray and rainy since we arrived here. Yesterday we saw rain, real rain, not the kind we get in Anchorage; real rain that sounds like needles on the windshield; rain that the wipers can't keep up with; rain that dances across the parking lots. It was a very wet day yesterday and what did we do, we went exploring of course.

We took a drive down to the long beach peninsula. Long Beach is the world’s longest beach (according to the signs). We drove through little seaside towns and visited Historic Oysterville. In Oyster City, we saw piles and piles of empty Oyster shells. I am not sure what they do with the shells once they have shucked the Oysters; some of the driveways had crushed Oyster shells others didn’t. I was able to photograph some sort of Crane. We saw lots of sea gulls and some little bitty birds that were super quick and traveled in flocks. We drove through Sherwood Forest to get to Leadbetter Park at the end of the peninsula. I was able to see deer, more cranes, seagulls, a Bald Eagle and more bitty birds. It was pouring down rain the whole time but, we had fun.

The little Raccoons visited our campsite again last night. James was BBQing and I guess they smelt the hamburger because three of them came over and hung out around the trailer.
We are off to Astoria, Oregon… goodbye Washington.

Crane - Oysterville, Washington 

Deer near Sherwood Forest,Washington

Oyster Shells - Oysterville, Washington

Lots of Oyster Shells - Oysterville, Washington

Oysterville School House built in 1907 - Oysterville, Washington
Real Rain - Oysterville, Washington

Sherwood Forest, Washington

Sand Dollar on Long Beach, Washington
Little Bitty Bird - Long Beach, Washington

Clam Diggers on Long Beach, Washington

Long Beach, Washington

Yawning Raccoon at our campsite - Cape Disappointment, Washington 
Little Raccoon at our campsite - Cape Disappointment, Washington

Until Next Time…..Take Care,

Check out my website: www.rebeccabphotos.com
